
the plague

somehow Josh Scott and I hadn't talked for about a month but we had the chance to catch up last night, talk through some tough things, dream together, and make fun of Joe K's affinity for tacky B movies. all in all, a good time. I always enjoy dreaming about the future with people, I need to do that more often. the good thing about Josh and I's futuring last night was that we already started formulating a plan to make it happen which is something I need to do a lot more often as well. a good friend once said, "it seems like you always have these big dreams but they get lost somewhere and are never implemented." that comment cut to the core of my being, because it was so true.

so I'm at home sick today which is always dissapointing. I had an incredibly productive day of bringing dreams into reality set before me and now all plans have been put on hold. the troublesome thing is that its even grueling to try and read or watch a movie. so not only am I unproductive, on top of that I am having trouble using this time to soak in new thoughts or just laugh at something stupid. anyways if you are not sick like me you should definitely head to the Grove tonight and hear my awesome roommate Jimi share from Romans. He's run some of his ideas by me and I believe that his message will definitely strike your heart.


janell said...

Jed! I'm sorry that you are sick! I will run a mile or two for you during my own run today. And I would lift a couple weights for you while I'm at the gym, but I'm afraid that fifteen pound weights might be more of a humiliation to you than an honor! Feel better friend!

Anonymous said...

haha im glad that we can make fun of each other's movie taste....always a good time....


jed dearing said...

always - its a great conversation starter