

jon marette was flipping through his cd case and I saw the unmistakable cd art for Aerosmith's "9 Lives," album. Such a goodie that was overshadowed by "Pink," being played to death. enjoying listening to it tonight.

Andrew Sharp and Dolla Bill follow Jesus....fo real

Gills...that one was for free....Matty and I will come back with a vengance, and our jumpshots.

btw Gillis...you really need to start a blog... 4 reasons why,
1. you have a unique perspective on the church as it relates to the world that folks need to hear
2. you are smart - we need more smart folks blogging (i really drag the blogging world down)
3. you can introduce us to good music
4. a profile picture of the best looking Gillis, by that I mean Heather of course :)

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