
ancient practices

there is (in my mind) a very silly little blog debate happening here...

It is in regard to Tony Jones' book "The Sacred Way" released earlier as "Soul Shaper."
The book explores ancient spiritual practices held by the Christian church that have been swept under the rug because of the orthodox/catholic split on 1054 and the Reformation. The idea is that there are disciplines which focus on Christ in a healthy way and have a good theology behind them, but have been ignored because of other theological positions held by the catholic and orthodox communities or the way the practices might have been distorted over the years.

This book has had a profound impact in my walk with God and I have integrated many of the practices finding them to be pathways to intimacy with God. This book is the reason I now keep a sabbath every Monday. Beyond the book, I've researched each of the practices myself and found them to have a rich history and a great testimony of leading ones into the presence of God. Jones writes of these practices being, "the effort to create some space for God to act," which I've found very helpful. I even shared a seminar (which is a lot tougher to give than a message) at HSLT in Myrtle Beach this summer based on the book.

I'd urge you to pick up the book quickly and if you want a good laugh to read the blog I linked to.

1 comment:

m@77#&w 13. said...

i read that blog...i wish i could have back the last 5 minutes of my life...jesus wouldn't tattle on people he thought were out of line, would he?