
Peer Pressure

Seeing how even Dollar Bill has climbed aboard the Blogging wagon I better get into gear and start to toss a couple thoughts out here. Especially in defense of DMB who Dollar just passionately slaughtered in his first real post. http://dollabill.blogspot.com

What are my thoughts for today? Here is an excerpt from an email I sent to a friend....
I went grocery shopping after dropping you off Sunday night and I made the concious choice not to buy any soup in the hopes that my decision would somehow cause the cold to cease....
You can only imagine my disapointment with the current state of weather outside.
On a brighter note....Life Group is tonight, which is great because I missed our last gathering and with meetings at the Grove interspersed I feel like I have really lost touch with the crew.


Anonymous said...

(I think this is the 1st time I have ever posted on a blog, so here it goes)! To expand on your comment about feeling out of touch with everyone...This seems to be something I can very much relate to also. In this frantic pace that is our life, sometimes we become too routine, too obligated, and almost...programmed. Some days it's as if we are on auto-pilot going about our day at break-neck speed. And for what? Sure we have obligations and responsibilities, but sometimes it's difficult to just say "no" and take time out to recharge and rejuvinate when it is much needed.

Sometimes I feel as if I never see my roommates, to take time out and catch up as to what is happening in their world, this is something I am trying to do more often.I feel this benefits myself and my roomies, knowing about one anothers struggles and hopes brings us closer. To touch base with everyone on a regular basis is healthy and needed, but what is the best way to go about making time for this? Any thoughts?

jed dearing said...

good to hear from you, I was just thinking about shooting you an email to see how you were doing. two things have helped me a little bit in this area. they are by no means profound.

one, is that I've realized there will always be more work and it will always be work that is beneficial to do, but I need to recognize the fact that I can't live my life based on the amount of work in front of me. that has been helping me say no a little bit more, plus I always work better when I have had time to reconnect with people or just rest.

the second thing I've been doing is sitting down late Sunday night or first thing Monday morning and planning in time to rest or hang out with folks and trying to cement it in my calendar, otherwise I'll ge to Friday night, have nothing planned and so I'll just keep working. it is sad that some people plan their work schedule but I plan my rest schedule. Anyways, I hope you are doing alright in the midst of all your busyness.