
"I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better."

Dollar asked me a couple weeks ago what it would look like to live life without fear of what any human thought? The question definitely fit with God's big challenge to me last year which was,
"I Dare You to Move, to fight the Goliaths you know you've been called to counter and to do so without
Saul's armor but in My strength.
Tonight I had the great privelege of eating some scrumptious New China Express with Micah P and Hamp while working on Hamps teaching on Jonah coming up in April at CT
. While digging through the book the concept of living only out of the fear of God and being willing to respond when he dares permeated the story. Its amazing how much the entire world sets itself against us responding to God. We believe he promises eternity but we only see mortality, we believe he cleanses us from our sin but we are still surrounded by it, Jonah knew God was speaking but his extreme patriotism wouldn't allow him to follow God's call. At some point in our lives we definitely need to make the decision about whose voice we are going to respond to. The challenege is that we can't often see with human eyes how what God's calling us to is going to become a reality. So we also have to dare to trust God to do what only God can do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.

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