
Halloween Party!!

Hey! Tuesday night is Halloween and its a time to party!
We'll provide great tunes, some food, candy, and drink.

But, you get to play a part....
Dress up in your best costume (Thrift Stores and Rag'O'Rama on High Street are great places to find an outfit) and bring your favorite snack, candy, or drink.

Best costume wins a $10 Starbucks Gift Card!! Thats right, $10 worth of coffee for just throwing on some old rags and putting on a wig. Where else can you find a deal like that?

Where: Jed and Matt Bartley's House // 111 East Hudson Street
When: Tuesday, October 31st // 7-10pm
Who: Anyone 18 or Over

RSVP by commenting or emailing me


Cisco said...

sorry we missed it, how was it man?
lets get breakfast soon.

Cisco said...

dude your blog is boring to read over and over