

saw "the squid and the whale," tonight. The movie was written by Noah Baumbach who co authored, "The Life Aquatic." I've been wanting to see this movie for over a year, so I was glad when it finally made it to the Drexel Grandview. Matt B, Jimi, and I headed over.

The movie was a frank depiction of the realities of divorce told through the eyes of the two sons, one in high school, one middle school. The movie was an authentic portrayal of a season many of my friends have gone through. The acting was fantastic (Laura Linney always gets it done), and there were some moments to laugh out loud. It was bittersweet, much like Life Aquatic or The Royal Tennebaums. Some points were tough to deal with, not because they were grotesque, but because they hit so close to home and were moments of my own life or friends lives that I'd rather forget. But, in a strange way I think it is important that shameful moments are resurfaced. It is a good movie for an adult serving in high school or middle school ministry to see. It brings you back to the reality of the lives of the students that we are in friendship with.

2:59:45, I had my longest phone conversation ever tonight and it was good. I should have pushed for 15 more seconds to hit the 3 hour mark.


janell said...

Jed! When are you coming to visit? I miss our runs :) Life gets so dang crazy... I mean have I even told you that I changed my major from nursing to fashion design?!? I love being so busy because I have great fun and am learning new things, but I hate it because I never get to talk to my few dear friends on the east side. I mean, I don't even know what ladies are trying to win you over as their valient one... there could be hundreds of them and I wouldn't even know! you know you wanna come visit... wink wink... you and matt could even come together!

janell said...

I mean who was that long phone conversation with... Jed are you married? Was that your daughter you were talking to for three hours?