
finish 05 REAL STRONG

New Years Eve means one thing - PARTY at the MANSION!

Come on over Saturday night if you'd like to hang with the boys of 884. We'll have plenty of food, card games, board games, an extreme ping pong tourney, an incredible dance room playing the finest tunes, Halo, Sega, Atari, Nintendo, and plenty of space to just relax and catch up with old friends.

Feel free to bring friends and if you are the kind of person who is inclined to bring something to a party besides other people, all of the boys of 884 (that's Nate England, Diddy, Jed, Jim Bartley, and Nate Young if you've lost track, along with our honorary roommates, Dollar Bill and D Money) are still accepting Christmas gifts.

See you Saturday at 10! comment if you need more info, directions, ect...


Christmas Weekend

So I'm about to head out to MI, it should be a good trip. My brother Ben and I will head up and hang with my Dad's family who all live in a little town just off of 69. MY Dad's sisters and parents and their families all get together every Saturday for coffee and doughnuts. It would be pretty special to have that kind of connection with family. Since I've been 9 I've never lived within an hour and a half of family, and now, forget it. I had hoped that moving to Ohio would make it easier to connect with my Dad's family, but 4 hours is still a decent distance.

Last night I had a great dinner with a few friends at the Olde Mohawk down in the German Village. We got there at 7 and shut the place down, not leaving until midnight. It's been awhile since I've had that good an extended dinner conversation. And the food...always fantastic.

I'll be back on Monday, then on Wednesday I'm heading down to a cabin in Hocking Hills with a Bible, notebook, and another book to simply be with God - I'm excited.


first tone - greek orthodox daily reading

"You arose from the
sepulcher in glory as God, and with yourself
resurrected the world. And mortal nature
extolled You as God, and death was
obliterated, and Adam is dancing, O Master;
and Eve, now redeemed from the bonds,
rejoices crying out: O Christ, You are He who
grants resurrection to all."


just smile back

8 miles and runnin got my seventh album dropping...
Jay Z's lyrics were true today, aside from dropping an album that is. Nate and I tore up 8 miles at Sharon Woods - We've been running at a pretty fast pace this week. The Nashville Marathon won't know what hit it come April 25th.

This afternoon was a pleasant surprise, the NFL on Saturday! So I celebrated by grillin out and feasting on some brats.

Tonight Ryder and I bounced down to the Exceptional Edward show They are getting their sound together. Dan is playing solid electric guitar and has given them a whole new level of energy. Tonight was a battle of the bands and they took first place over 7 other outfits.

While those three elements were great moments during the day this morning started off great with a good extended time in the word and prayer. IF you haven't had the chance to read Ecclesiastes 5 lately, it is probably time for you to break it out. My soul was stirred for myself and others.

Teaching middle school Sunday School tomorrow - it doesn't get much more fun than that!! Teaching middle schoolers will always be one of my favortie aspects of ministry. There is such freedom to be yourself when you teach with middle schoolers, goofy is an inroad to their hearts and believe me I can do goofy. Come Holy Spirit.




Late Night

"'This week in California, Arnold Schwarzenegger met with rapper Snoop Dogg to discuss pardoning a convicted murderer. Then Vin Diesel met with 50 Cent to discuss agriculture subsidies.' " Conan

full and good

6:30 - Bruce Hall and I had a great talk about hearing from God and how to best raise up leaders
8:00 - Testimony time with the pastors about "God IS," good for me to hear all God did through the program, I wasn't a fan of the actual program itself, but I love the way it involves so many from the church and is a great outreach. I just have to put aside my own personal taste.
9:00 - All Staff meeting, good as far as meetings go, they are getting slightly more productive
10:00 - Met with Ryder and Laura about the Central and North outreaches, it is great to have 2 steady interns really leading the way.
10:30 - QT, good reading in Ecclesiastes
11:00 - Met w/Root to talk about HSLT and the Student House remodel. I'm really excited to creat a cool space for the students
11:30 - TJ and I read up and took notes on the history of the Eatern Orthodox church as it relates to the Incarnational tradition within Christianity. Good prep work for our lenten season 40 days, "Joining the Journey."
1:30 - Met w/Ryder about Sunday Morning Live, the house remodel, 40 days and a whole host of things
2:30 - Spent time with Grant Lacy, a great sophomore from North who is really making some great decisions and submitting his life to God in tough areas
3:30 - Great time w/Matt Hamparian working through God's movement in his life since August and where he is headed as a leader.
4:30 - Returned emails, downloaded Wesley's 22 questions - a great resource for accountability if you've been looking for penetrating questions to ask or be asked. Worked on the new young adult life group I'm helping launch in January
5:45 - Ran 5+ miles with Nate England, I think my body is actually getting used to both the cold and the muscles in my legs getting worked.
6:45 - Jetted out to Wildlights with the Grove. Got to meet some great new folks with cool stories, Bill, Jordan, Julie, Lisa, Sarah, Nathan, Brady, Laura, and Matt were among them. It is neat to see the caliber of people that God is bringing to Heritage. I'm excited to see what He does in and through them. The Mexican wolves were pretty cool, I'm proud of them for staying out in the snow still prowling the grounds.. Good car ride with Laura Young, mLe, Kelly Young, and Caitlin.
10:20 - back home and rady to settle in for the night
11:15 - Great Conversation with Dollar Bill about our new life group, good stuff is going to be happening. He had some killer ideas, lets just say, Leggo my Eggo....more coming
Thanks God for a good day.


deliver me

learning "deliver me," by Crowder on guitar right now, good song....
it was quite powerful listening to it as I was standing out on the Hoover resevoir Thursday night while the snow was cascading down and the wind whipping out over the water. My favorite penninsula still stretches out far into the Hoover allowing me feel for just a moment I've escaped Westerville. It'll be sad when this snow melts and the water level rises. There are a lot of powerful memories from that point this fall.

the bottom of my boot detached on the walk home from the Hoover, I was still about a mile away, that made for a bit of an uncomfortable walk home. I am constantly amazed how in every sacred moment there is something breaking down - I need to tap into what God is trying to speak into me in this area right now.

Merry Christmas

Last night was one of the better evenings of the year.
My four roommates and I cooked a huge feast together.
We made a Turkey with a fantastic citrus herb basting, Sauteed Potato, Onion, and Mushroom in an extraordinary Garlic, Herb, and butter sauce. Sesame Ginger Broccoli from scratch, Cranberry Sauce, and Fresh Baked Rolls topped it off. We shared the meal over a nice bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice depending upon age or conviction.

After dinner we exchanged gifts by the Christmas tree and each guy got a gift that specifically fit him. Nate E. received wind pants for his attempt to run a 26 mile marathon. Nate Y. received a new golf glove and 15 Top Flight Balls, Jim Bartley took home a new ping pong paddle, Diddy got Johnny Cash's greatest hits and a Star Wars Action figure battle set, and I picked up "Unleashed," featuring Jet Li and 75 extra long golf tees. It was a sweet time.

Following the gift giving we set up around the kitchen table and played poker together for 5 hours. Sadly, Diddy took us to town and went to bed $50.00 richer. He paid back Nate E. for beating him up in a wrestling match earlier that night by going all in without ever looking at his hand and beat Nate's Jack pair with a 2 pair of 7's and 2's. Later Diddy outwitted me and got the best of my temper, it was a fiery game. Definitely a good time had by all, and a fantstic Christmas tradition to begin.

Oh yeah, keeping in line with the bittersweet reality of life, Nate Young's axle broke as he was pulling out of our driveway to go get Matt Hamp's poker chips. You can be praying that Nate can get it fixed soon and cheap. He had just taken it into the shop for front end work and they said it was fine. He's heading down there to let them know what's up today.



could you hear the quiet crackling
while sensing yourself stumbling
along the wintry road ahead
which will never be retread?

eternity beneath your feet
orange echo off the street
where time and space meet
another divine feat....

betraying Jesus

Here is a good thought from Jim Wallis;
SoMA Review - Betraying Jesus - Jim Wallis: "When the life of the church no longer raises any questions, evangelism degenerates. The phrases �Jesus saves� and �Jesus is Lord� have been so often used in the absence of any visible historical application that most people simply do not know what the words mean anymore. Perhaps never before has Jesus� name been more frequently mentioned and the content of his life and teaching so thoroughly ignored. One wonders what remains of Jesus in American culture except his name. Unless accompanied by a clear demonstration of what it means to follow Jesus now, the evangelistic message falls on deaf ears or, even worse, calls people to a conversion empty of real content. "


what's that you say? more miroslav

Theologian Miroslav Volf write an excellent article for Christian Century laying out the argument that both the religious left and religious right have abandoned Jesus and his gospel for their pet social causes. Social work on the left and moral living on the right. He has a simple yet strong word for each to begin to value Jesus over politics.

This is one area where I reallly appreciate Heritage's stand. Check out Pastor Jim's message, "Why I believe in Big Government,' to gain an understanding. Don't let the title scare you off.